None of us are immune to the influences of our world— our friends, family, co-workers. Also, the media, and what we read. Those around us and are constantly shaping our thoughts, feelings, our goals and actions by the shared and personal experiences of our life.
We kid ourselves if we think we are untouched by the events and people in our life. Yet some people are empowered and seem to grow stronger by confrontation —the good and the bad. Others are weighed down by the challenges of life.
Most of us fluctuate between positive and negative attitudes. With less choice and awareness than we would like to admit. We blame others and circumstances for less than positive experiences.
Further Thinking and Saying:
“They make me sooo angry.” “How can you expect me to get my work done with all these interruptions?” “I’m late because…” “If only you would act differently.”
One of the most important principles that you will ever learn about your mind:
That you will always gravitate toward what you’re thinking about most. While this principle is often stated, it is useful to reinforce it.
And further explore the areas in your life that seem to be adversely affected by your dominant, negative thoughts.
What is required is a willingness to honestly perceive the challenges as they exist and to creatively and compassionately ask, “What do I want?” and “What is the most productive, positive choice I can make at this moment?”
“The fact that you are the maker of your character, the molder of your life and the builder of your destiny, you may unerringly prove, if you will watch, control and alter your thoughts, tracing their effects upon yourself, upon others, and upon life and circumstances… and utilizing your every experience as a means of obtaining that knowledge of yourself that leads to understanding, wisdom, and power.” James Allen
Mental fitness
The ability to overcome self-pity, anger, guilt and emotional isolation. Instead, favoring self-esteem, usefulness, wonder, intimacy and the other joyful feelings that give life meaning.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow views a human being as having an inner nature that is constantly unfolding and growing.
Erich Fromm expresses the same idea in a slightly different way. He said that you might look at a person in the same way that you look at a seed. A seed may be very unimpressive to look at; in fact, some are so small that you need a microscope to see them. Yet, within this seed, there is a tremendous amount of potential for growth.
If you were to take a seed, let’s say a flower seed, and throw it into an open field and kick some dirt over it and water it. It would probably sprout within a week or two. And, if you watched the progress of the plant for a few weeks, you would observe it develop buds and eventually produce a flower.
Then, if you were to examine the plant closely, you would probably see some changes. That it had a small flower with dull-colored petals and leaves that were small and under-developed. In general, you might say that this plant was stunted. It had not developed into what it might have been.
Now, if you were to take another seed of the same kind, plant it at just the right depth in soil prepared in a particular way. Then give it the right amount of water, light, and nutrients. You would see a beautiful plant with full green leaves and flowers of a brilliant hue. Additionally, you would see a plant that had developed closer to its full potential.
Focused Thinking
Imagine yourself surrounded by Universal Mind, so receptive that it receives the slightest impression of your thought.
Whatever you think, it takes up and executes for you. Every thought is received and acted upon.
These are not mere words, but the deepest truth that has ever come to the human race.
Hundreds of thousands of the most intelligent thinkers and the most spiritual people of our day are proving this truth.
“What you put your attention on… strengthens or expands.” Earl Nightingale
Scientists are discovering more and more evidence that we, as humans, are not mere independent observers of a mechanical universe. Our attention, backed by the intent of our beliefs, helps to create what we experience as our life.
One might say that focusing attention on the energy field of consciousness, which contains the potential of all possibilities, contributes to creating the events and materializations that we experience as our lives.
It is important to focus your mind effectively. Don’t waste your creative energy. Without deliberate focus, you’re spreading your attention randomly. Keep your attention focused on something positive, and good things begin to happen. This is the real reason for goal setting.