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Outline – Professional Coach & NLP Certification Training

ICF Core Competencies

NLP Competencies

Creating Resource States

The Structure Of Thinking

NLP Skills for Transforming
Limitations into Resources

Advanced NLP Coaching
Tools for Change

Benefits – NLP & Professional Coach Certification Training

The importance of NLP and Coaching skills for business professionals, individuals, parents – and pretty well all of us who interact with others is rapidly becoming clear. Many team leaders and managers, for instance, now find it part of their job description.

Uniting the principles of NLP with the power of Coaching makes the MindBridge NLP Coach Certification Training essential for individuals whose work involves leadership, interacting with, influencing and assisting others, or for those who what a career as a professional NLP Coach.

Some Unique Benefits of MindBridge NLP Coach Trainings

You Will Learn To:

For those with no plans to start a coaching business or already have NLP training – but who want coaching skills:

More Information about this training: