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Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification Training

According to Forbes Magazine, Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions…

Whether you want to start your own coaching business—or want to use the leading edge Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner skills in your current profession…

This Professional Coach/NLP Practitioner Dual Certification Training will take you from novice to competency and give you powerful coaching skills and NLP tools for positive influence in your current job – or ready you to build a coaching business from the ground up.

Receive the highest quality, internationally recognized certifications Professional Certified Coach and NLP Practitioner Certification

This Professional Coach/NLP Practitioner Dual Certification Training will take you from novice to competency and give you powerful coaching skills and NLP tools for positive influence in your current job – or ready you to build a coaching business from the ground up.

In this Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner training you will develop skills and techniques for building a bridge directly to the unconscious mind to change unwanted habits and help resolve inner conflicts quickly, within yourself and others.

The importance of coaching skills for business professionals, individuals, parents – and pretty well all of us who interact with others is rapidly becoming clear. Many team leaders and managers now find it part of their job description. Using the full range of NLP Practitioner and Coaching opportunities brings immediate and measurable results.

MindBridge NLP & Professional Coach Certification Training is ICF (International Coach Federation) approved and ANLP (Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming) accredited.

Professional Life Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification Training

With the MindBridge Professional Life Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification Training you will experience a unique opportunity to acquire and develop the most valuable personal and professional growth skills available, presented by trainers who have committed over 40 years in the development and refinement of their NLP and Coaching skills. The fact is, NLP provides remarkable tools for helping you to achieve higher levels of personal and professional effectiveness in all of your relationships, from your professional environment to your personal life and this is the ideal opportunity for you to begin.

Not just any NLP skills will do when you want targeted results. The MindBridge Professional Coach/NLP Practitioner Dual Certification is the most indispensable training available because after more than 35 years of research and real-world experience teaching thousands of people, worldwide and from all walks of life in both the public and business sectors, the MindBridge NLP & Coach Training brings together the essential communication, leadership and influence skills you need to thrive in today’s competitive environment.

*Note: Classes are taught in English and do not require any prior experience in NLP or Coaching.

MindBridge Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification Training offers exceptional benefits…

Gain Immediately Useful Skills & Increase Your Income

Regardless of your career, coaching skills are the fastest and easiest way to assist others. As a professional Coach, a significant part of your job is knowing how to listen, what to listen for, which questions to ask, and to give directive feedback. NLP Professional Coaching is a practical and profitable way to maximize your prior training investments and accelerate the direction and implementation of your Coaching skills.

Coaches usually work out of their home. Some Coaches just want a few clients per week, others prefer a full schedule. There are very few costs as a Coach. Because of the nature of the coaching relationship and the coaching model, it is most effective and convenient for clients to telephone you at a scheduled time each week. Tele-coaching is also a big growth market and you will need internet access if you want to provide web-coaching.

*Note: Classes are taught in English and do not require any prior experience in NLP or Coaching.

Why wait any longer when you can make these changes happen in your life now… 

enroll in the Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification Training today!