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Ericksonian Transformational Hypnosis Training

Presented by Marilou Seavey, PCC, Certified Master NLP & Ericksonian Trainer,

with Jerry Seavey, PCC — NLP Coach Trainer, & Ericksonian Hypnotherapist

Hypnosis allows the creation of a unique condition which suspends awareness of time and place to put the full power of the mind to work, and fixates the attention of the conscious mind in order to allow the unconscious to achieve astounding benefit from an altered state.

Hypnosis has been a tool for change for hundreds of years and has proven and practical benefits. Because hypnotic trance is a compelling tool used to embed important messages into the unconscious mind, these skills broaden your influencing ability for positive change.

Dr. Milton Erickson has the reputation as the most important Hypnotherapist of the 20th century, both for his unorthodox methods and his skill in creating a profound rapport with his clients’ unconscious processes. This certification training show you how the unconscious mind is a source of wisdom, creativity and the resources needed to achieve any objective and how to assist your clients and yourself to the create profound and lasting change.

The persuasion skills of Ericksonian Hypnotic model provide a broader gateway between the conscious and the unconscious, in a seemingly effortless change that is both enduring and deeply meaningful.

In this comprehensive certification seminar you will learn, through direct experience, how hypnosis functions and how it can be used. Right from the beginning of the seminar, through demonstrations and exercises, participants will work together developing abilities to create trance states at multiple levels. Throughout the the 10 sessions you will experience and facilitate expanding realities for deep and pervasive influence and change.

No matter if you are a complete beginner or a seasoned student of trance this comprehensive course in Transformational Hypnosis will expand your skills to engage the amazing capacity of the unconscious mind. It is ‘under-the-radar’ change.

MindBridge NLP & Professional Coach Certification Training is ICF (International Coach Federation) approved and ANLP (Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming) accredited.

“Mastering the skill to directly communicate with the unconscious mind is the single most critical skill to influence others.”

– Marilou Seavey, PCC, Certified NLP Master Trainer

Ericksonian hypnosis is based on the principle that our subconscious has a number of options at its disposal to solve, in a simple way, the apparent difficulties that the conscious is facing. Hypnosis makes it possible to access these solutions.

As you learn, through demonstrations and practice, how the Ericksonian model of hypnosis (as well as other more standardized models) function, and how they can be used, you will be empowered to create trance states at multiple levels. During the experience of the exercises you will develop a personal reference for understanding and internalizing the compelling techniques of hypnosis and learn to apply them strategically – for yourself and for others.


How does hypnosis help?

Humans are meaning making machines. We associate meaning to everything that happens by filtering and comparing any outside influences to what we have learned over time and what is stored in our memory. The meaning that we give impacts our emotional states which in turn impact our behaviors. As we can redefine meaning we take control of our states, our behaviors and our results. 

Hypnosis is an excellent tool to assist with overcoming and releasing negative emotions and past conditioning, resulting in the paving of new neurological pathways which in turn result in new options becoming available. You will learn to use hypnotic language to engage the power of the creative imagination and overcome resistance to making healthy, empowered change.


Why should I be interested in this course?

It is extremely useful for coaches, consultants, parents, educators, health care professionals, therapists, management and sales professionals wanting to upgrade their influencing skills. The program offers an opportunity to explore and develop Ericksonian induction, trance, and conversation as a form of gentle redirection and change.

Whether you are interested in this course for your personal development, for acquiring greater depth and flexibility as a communicator, or for developing skills as a hypnotherapist, you will learn skills and techniques that you can immediately incorporate into your life and your work. Affordable and formidable, put taking this POWERFUL training at the top of your priorities.

Complementing your experience in NLP and Coaching, Transformational Hypnosis, an Ericksonian Model, will show you how the mind is a source of wisdom, creativity and the resources needed to achieve any objective including changing long held habit patterns.

Whether your goal is to become a Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist, expand your hypnosis knowledge, or to simply acquire these profound techniques to enhance your level of personal development, the skills you will learn in this course can change your life and help you to start achieving your goals faster and easier.

If hypnosis is not new to you, this course will take you to the next level. You will now be able to journey into realms deep within the unconscious mind of your clients and yourself to create powerful changes in ways you never experienced before.

Certification by IHA
(International Hypnosis Association)

At the completion of this online course, which has been approved by the International Hypnosis Association for Certified Hypnotherapists, you will be certified by the IHA to practice as a Certified Hypnotherapist.

Certification testifies and provides a verification of defined educational requirements, adherence to a solid code of ethics, and in many instances prerequisites of practice experience for the practice of clinical hypnotherapy and related services.

MindBridge Trainings has long been recognized as providing only the highest standards of independent board certifications.

The IHA was formed by Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Jensine Ban, a psychotherapist for one of the largest health organizations in the world. Through her work with therapists, clients, and other professionals in related fields, she quickly saw the need for a dynamic, standards-based, legitimate hypnosis and NLP credentialing body. Jensine currently works with IHA’s Advisory Board and Regional Member Relations Coordinators, a group of highly respected hypnosis and NLP professionals.

Learn to use Multiple Levels of Trance, with Traditional and Ericksonian Hypnosis