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Receive two of the the Highest Quality International Certifications – Professional Coach and NLP Practitioner Certification.

Completion of the comprehensive MindBridge Professional Life Coach/ NLP Practitioner Training will result in Professional Coach Certification. This will enable you to refer to yourself as a certified ‘International Professional Certified Coach’ (IPCC).

In addition, you will also receive full NLP Practitioner Certification which will have the ANLP registered seal on your certificate. You will have the expertise and credibility to market yourself to your existing employer and/or new clients.

MindBridge Professional Coach Training is ICF (International Coach Federation) Accredited and Independent Board Accredited by ANLP (Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming)

*You may immediately apply for ICF membership upon completion of the MindBridge Coach Training.

MindBridge Professional Life Coach Certification Training has more than 90 hours of coach specific training and 10 hours of  reinforcement learning for a total of 100 hours of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training.

Throughout the training you will get hands-on practice and expert feedback. You will be coaching others and be coached, yourself. You will also receive the tools, processes and material necessary to start your coaching business even before the training finishes. The lively instruction style with demonstrations and role-play keeps the training effective and interesting.

This program will provide you with the ‘tools’ you need to have a career as a Professional Coach or to enhance your current business and management talents. We will teach you all the techniques you need to become the very best you can be. It will be useful, challenging, as well as an unprecedented opportunity for your own personal growth. Coaching skills help you to be more effective in any situation, especially if your work involves interacting with, influencing and assisting others.