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Personal & Professional Coaching

1- Personal NLP Coaching

Does this sound familiar?

The Solution…

What will it be like for you… having someone who is willing to help you find the inner motivation to go for your dreams?

Personal Coaching is designed to give you assistance in developing new habits, creating compelling outcomes, achieving  new goals, and evaluating the ongoing results you are creating.

Coaching is a special relationship where the total focus is on you, and what you want in your life and what will help you to achieve it.

Personal Life Coaching

If you have challenges, limiting beliefs or questions in any area of your life, coaching can contribute to your learning and produce positive change. Get assistance in fine-tuning your attitudes and beliefs, and refining your skills. Release yourself from negative emotional blocks and bring out new resources and confidence. Get on track towards your true purpose, and get your goals in motion. This is all done with a thorough, ongoing relationship, tailor-made to meet your needs and objectives.

Coaching is a powerful interactive process that helps individuals to develop personally and professionally more rapidly and produce more satisfying and fulfilling results. Coaches work with clients, often in weekly sessions over the phone, in all areas of life including personal development, business, career, finances, health and relationships. As a result of coaching, clients clarify and set better goals, move from stuck to taking more action, make better decisions and more fully use their natural strengths to live a more rich and fulfilling life.

2- Professional Business Coaching

Increasingly, business people, good leaders and managers are recognizing the benefits of using coaching in the workplace.

A business coach is a professional trained to work with you on the most important aspects of your life and business. A coach offers you a new perspective because of the different of points of view the professional relationship offers.
A business coach helps you develop the skills, acquire the resources, identify the business opportunities and overcome the challenges that come with working in or operating and growing a successful enterprise. With e-mail and the Internet, telephones and “virtual” meetings, a business coach can be located anywhere in the world to provide you with these critical success factors in support of your personal and business aspirations.

Professional coaches are trained to listen and notice patterns of success and limitations, to customize their approach to the individual client’s needs, and to elicit solutions and strategies from the client. Because the client always knows more about themselves, how they are motivated, how they sabotage themselves, and their dreams for their future, coaches do not need to be an expert in the client’s field. Coaching is one of the fastest, most effective ways help people get from where they are to where they want to be.

Business Coaching

Coaching is action-based. Business coaches are individuals with whom you can check in with to stay focused, to clarify your goals, and then achieve them.

While the coach provides feedback and an objective perspective, the client is responsible for taking the steps to produce the results he or she desires. Coaches work with people from all walks of life helping them to bring out their very best.

Many people who hire Professional Coaches are already successful, but want to achieve more. Business people, for example, often want the unbiased feedback a Coach will give them. Other people want a Coach to assist them in achieving a more rewarding career, better relationships, more free time, or improve some other life area. They may have difficulty setting goals or finding the appropriate resource to move in the direction of their dreams.

An extensive study by MetrixGlobal showed that executive coaching produces a 529% Return on Investment, and when the financial benefits of employee retention are included, the ROI results jumped to 788%.

In another study, Public Personnel Management showed that while training increased productivity by 22%, training combined with coaching increased productivity by 88%.

Coaching enables people to develop new individualized ways of working to increase their performance and the performance of their teams. An NLP Coach can challenge people in a positive way that enables them to find the resources within themselves to really accomplish the things they say they want to do.

More important, coaching can assure that personal goals will be in alignment with the company goals to avoid conflict and enhance effective communication, producing exceptional results.

It is essential to have effective and specific NLP coaching, especially if you are a manager, parent, teacher, employer, business person, consultant, or in any situation where you want to make a real difference in people’s lives. People use Professional Coaches for the same reason that athletes use sports coaches; they want someone to work with them, to encourage them, to help them move beyond limitations and create the rich and satisfying life they really want.