What Do You Really Believe?
If you are reading this post, you are most likely someone who is interested in understanding the effects that beliefs have in your life and for changing any limiting beliefs. Beliefs are like the central information highway that the quality and meaning of your experience flow through. Beliefs are the result of judgment and meaning […]
Thinking About Thoughts
None of us are immune to the influences of our world— our friends, family, co-workers. Also, the media, and what we read. Those around us and are constantly shaping our thoughts, feelings, our goals and actions by the shared and personal experiences of our life. We kid ourselves if we think we are untouched by […]
Conflict Within Relationships
Is Conflict in a Relationship Inevitable? In and of itself, conflict isn’t a problem… How it’s handled, however, can bring people together or tear them apart. Poor communication skills, disagreements, and misunderstandings can be a source of anger and distance. Or possibly, a springboard to a stronger relationship and a happier future. Next time you’re […]
Creating Positive Change
Contrary to a widely held belief that people do not change, people do change and often in dramatic, life-altering ways. When you are fully committed to making positive changes in your life, it will happen. That commitment, based on a deep desire for growth, is half the journey. Once you have made that choice, with […]
In the Face of Uncertainty
We are living in an era where fear is a background theme in so many lives throughout the world. How do we as Coaches and NLP Practitioners manage our inner states as we engage with friends and clients when they come to us wanting help dealing with fear? Let’s start with recognition that there are […]
Calm the Chaos in Your Life
Becoming organized has so many benefits. Perhaps the greatest is the ability to turn days filled with chaos into days of focus and effectiveness. Stress has a very negative impact on health. When you’re organized, you’ll no longer worry about all the little things that might be slipping through the cracks. With greater organization, you’ll also […]
What Mountain Will You Climb?
What do you want in life? Are you comfortable with where you are now, what about where your life is heading? What are your dreams? How far do you want to go? The vast majority of people rarely venture from their known comfort. We play the game of life with the same actions and create […]
Life Coaching – On the Importance of Happiness
Happiness is the continuing quest that humans strive for. A person has never reached true success if they have never felt real happiness. Of significant importance, the American Declaration of Independence states that happiness and the pursuit thereof is an inalienable right. Meaning it is a God-given right. Why Do We Have to Be Happy? […]
Reality leaves a lot to the imagination
“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination” John Lennon Are you passionate about your beliefs? When you are expressing your thoughts do you believe what you say is true? Do you think that when you speak, others ‘should’ listen or at the very least consider the value of what you are saying? Are the majority of […]